Monday, January 20, 2014

Stop Thinking

Waking up on a day of boredom, I asked my mom how to stop having nightmares. She told me that dreams are manifestations of thought.

Then, I suggested that maybe the best way to avoid a bad dream is to simply stop thinking. She laughed at my idea and said that not thinking means you're dead. However, I interpreted her statement as: the moment you stop thinking, you die.

That actually made me panic for the rest of the day. I kept checking my mind if I was still thinking. I had to keep filling my mind with all sorts of ideas to keep me alive.

Then, to end all this pressure, I decided to see what happens if I do stop thinking. Wait, this seems harder than I thought.


Perhaps absent mindedness could be the cause of death for some of us. But, I did begin to realize that having thoughts is one of the best things in life. I love to keep my head occupied with unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

So, for me, the moment I do stop thinking, I feel as good as dead.

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