Thursday, March 6, 2014


The sound of a monotonous humming reverberated in my room at night. Its increasing audacity finally woke me up. I looked at the window beside me and saw a silhouette of a man stretching his arm towards me.

My scream alerted the man who quickly retracted and fled. My parents rushed to my room to check on me and later called the police.

They weren't able to find him.


A few nights later, I heard the humming again. This time, it sounded like a tune. The deep notes it played made me shiver as I refuse to open my eyes. Remembering the last incident, I looked at my window.

And there he was, a man trying to get through. His head and left arm already got through my window. I screamed in panic. The man didn't seem alarmed. Instead, he hastened his infiltration. I could see his wide grin coupled with what looked like fangs sticking out. He looked at me with a pale white face that lacked eyes.

Dad rushed through the door with a baseball bat in hand. The intruder slipped out of the window and fled. Mom followed and switched on the lights. Dad looked out the window and found no one.


I told my parents of the humming I would hear before the man tried to enter my room. It did not add up however. Why would he announce his arrival?

The police did find similar cases of intrusion. A man of the same description was spotted. He would attempt to enter houses but there were no reports of harm or any stolen items.

Though similar, none of the victims reported humming.


My parents stayed in my room now. This time, we set up a trap for him. Police were also stationed nearby just in case.

For the next few nights, I felt at ease with them around. The humming however did not stop. The tune became even more detailed and sometimes I could hear words accompanied in the melody.

I have a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night only to look around and found nothing out of the ordinary. No man at the window and both my parents snoring as they slept on the floor.


The humming was frustratingly loud. Even my parents woke up. It sounded almost like a chant.

Something struck the window making us jolt. An arm just hit the window. Dad switched the lights on as mom called the police. However, the man this time seemed more daring. He smashed the window and desperately tried to get in.

Shards of broken glass fell on the floor as he tried to crawl in. His face looked more menacing now in full light. His body was still halfway through  when my dad warned him to get back.

He looked at us with his creepy face and just pulled himself through. As his entire body drops on the floor, dad began to bludgeon him with a baseball bat. After a few strikes, the crippled man still attempts to crawl toward us.

Police busted through our door and captured the intruder. He was unmasked and revealed to be just some ordinary guy.


It's been days since the incident. Everything seemed back to normal now though my story has become quite a talk at school.

I learned from the police that the man was some kind of lunatic. Interrogation revealed that he has been searching for something as he enters people homes and finally found it at my place. What could it be?

The man never specified what the item of interest was, but he did say that he was drawn to beautiful song he could hear from my room. A humming.

As I walk back from school through the my lawn, I saw something look at me from my room's window. It had bright red eyes and looked almost human.

I hear the humming again. This time, I feel drawn towards it as I return to my room.

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