Thursday, March 20, 2014

City of Masks (Chapter 7)

“Are you insane!?” Renei said as she carried our stash of food.

“He seems like a nice person” I replied while cleaning the room.

“It’s like you tossed away the story I just told you!”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what is it?”

“I just think that we need to understand the masked people” I reasoned. “I mean, have you ever wondered where our parents are?”

Renei paused. “I do. But I’ve given up trying to find them.”

“Maybe they’re among the masked people looking for us.”

“Yeah, then they’ll kill us as food source by night.”

“Let’s just stay for a while. We’ll head back to your place, okay?”

“Fine” Renei grumpily said.


Afternoon light was slowly fading. The room looked good. May still appear somewhat old but we were able to rid of the dust and fixed some areas. The priest came over to check on us. He was wearing his mask again.

“Ta-da!” I presented the room. The priest clapped.

“R’oo yv vohvdsviv” he pointed at the other side of the cathedral then left.

“He’s gonna kill us” Renei said.

“C’mon, Renei.”

“Look, it’s almost night. That’s when they start hunting. He’ll probably get back here with a chainsaw!”

“Or maybe with a can opener” I smirked.

Renei gave me an annoyed look.

“What will it take for you to trust him anyway?”

“Let’s spy on him” she suggested. “After sundown.”

“Whoa whoa whoa, you want to spy on him at night?”

“Scared?” Renei raised an eyebrow.


“If he doesn’t become a monster at night, then we shouldn’t worry, right?”

She’s got a point.

“Alright, we’ll spy on him” I sighed.


We tiptoed on our way downstairs. The priest’s room was at the back near the altar. We heard the chanting of a man as we got nearer to the door.

“What’s he doing?” Renei whispered.

“Praying maybe.”

We pressed our ears on the door. It was the priest’s voice that we heard. We opened the door slowly trying to minimize the creaky sound.

The room was lit by candlelight on a table with books atop of it. We saw the priest kneeling still reciting something.

“What’s he holding?” I whispered.


The priest seemed too busy with concentrating on the chant to even notice us. The item he was holding appeared to be a sledge hammer. Slowly, he took his mask off with one hand the other still holding the tool. He stood up.

There was another door in the room. He opened it while dragging the hammer with him. After picking up the lantern, he proceeded to go out. His voice seemed different as he continued chanting. It now sounds harsher as it progressed.

“C’mon!” Renei signalled me to follow her.

We tiptoed towards the door which he left open. There was a graveyard outside. We watched as the priest walked further towards it making a trail with the hammer. The lantern he held gave him an eerie glow.

Renei quietly stepped outside.

“Wait!” I protested. “This looks dangerous.”

“We have to know what he’s up to.”

Renei went on to follow the priest. She didn’t intend to wait for me. I followed out of pressure. After a few quiet turns, we finally found the priest near a grave which he started to smash with his hammer.

We kept our distance and watched. The priest took off his mask. For a brief moment under the lantern’s light, I didn’t see his compassionate look. He was a monster. Just as Renei said.

He exhumed a coffin and opened it. We saw a rotting corpse inside which the priest began to devour. Renei looked on but I turned away.

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